Well, clearly this is really old since it has been extremely dry and hot
these days! There was a day where it rained all day. The girls started to
go nuts from being trapped inside. It was one of those days where they
were fighting about everything. I remembered that I had bought kool
aid-actually generic- to try to paint with.
First, I dumped several different flavors of the kool-aid into muffin liners. It was VERY dusty! I would recommend NOT doing this with the kids. We kept sneezing. |
I gave them each poster board pieces. I used the poster board because it is thicker. I figured regular paper would rip easily. I didn't have watercolor paper. I would probably work better. |
They both then spread the different powders across their papers. |
It was pretty messy but on the plus side, the kitchen smelled good for days:) |
Once they were happy with the powder, I put the papers outside on the deck in the rain. |
They were so excited to go outside in the rain to check out what was going on. It was raining pretty hard at one point. |
This was the beginning..... |
A little more wet... |
This was the finished product. We probably could have let it spread a little more but the girls were impatient and they decided that the pictures were done. | | | | |
The project turned out pretty cute and provided an hour of entertainment. Next time, I would use water color paper and make sure that the powder is in a thin layer on the paper. The piles turned into pretty cool "mountains" on the paper. The colors would spread more if it was thinner, I think. Also, I would avoid the grape flavor. It looked more like black than purple.
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